Browse, browse, browse. Read, read, read. Click-link, click-link, click-link.
Oh, interesting video! It's Steven Johnson on his book Where Good Ideas Come From.
I watch the video, and then jump across to Amazon to consider buying the book. But I'm only considering. I'm still working through Crawford's Shop Craft As Soul Craft, and I have a stack of others in queue a-waiting. So I won't buy a new book at the moment. I'll just c-o-n-s-i-d-e-r.
Get to Amazon and, spookily. one of the items it offers for my consideration is Johnson. Cookies at work? Dunno. But anyway, I begin reaching to click to put it on my Wish List or Shopping List and it's then I notice the Kindle edition. The obsession begins.
Of course with my options increasingly rapidly, I don't actually do anything at this point. But my maximizing brain kicks in and I start the hunt: Kindle 3, Kindle DX, Nook, Sony Reader, and on, and on.
But then I step back for a second, and ask myself, why?. Why do I want one? Whence comes this sudden lust for another shiny object? Here are some of the reasons my brain (not me, mind) came up with, plus their rebuttals:
- It will let me buy new books whenever I want. Trouble is, increasing the extent to which I can impulse buy books is the last thing I need! I have enough unread books as it is.
- It will let me carry lots of books with me in one small widget. But, again, that's not a good thing for me. Choice, in the hands of a perfectionist maximizer, is debilitating. If I'm carrying one paper book with me on the plane and I decide "Sigh -- it's the wrong book", well tough. I'll just have to read it. But with a Kindle, the option to switch and chop and change will be ever present, and readily exercised.
- It will let me read in bed without wife punching me in the eye 'cos the light is keeping her awake. Well no it won't; they don't have lights
Finally I realized, it's not at all what I need. The passion died. And by bedtime last night, I was safely reading my paper copy of Crawford again.
Then today I went into Best Buy and bought one.